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Dieter Müller – 2024 Doubletop


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Dieter Müller is a renowned German luthier who focuses on building double-top guitars. Since Matthias Dammann, German luthiers have been specialists in the field of double-top guitars. Dieter Müller’s instruments are particularly sought after for their sound quality and sonority, as well as their great sound volume. In addition, the craftsmanship is also executed at a very high level.

This guitar is a “new model” by Dieter Müller. In early 2023, Dieter took the chance to innovate by designing his own and enhancing the headstock and ornamentation of his guitars. Beyond aesthetics, he delved into the acoustic properties of his instruments, analyzing five of his best guitars and temporarily acquiring two esteemed Dammann guitars along with a Friederich, which he was fortunate to study in his workshop. His analysis revealed that the most powerful and dynamic instruments featured a very low body and cavity resonance. Additionally, by precisely tuning the higher top resonances, he was able to achieve good sustain and a beautifully sounding formant in the trebles. Armed with these insights, he crafted a new model, incorporating a very light top constructed from the lightest materials available, blending his aesthetic vision with acoustic excellence to create a remarkably resonant and visually stunning guitar.

This instrument masterfully combines traditional characteristics with significant strength and power, showcasing Dieter’s distinct sound signature. It features airy trebles and very deep basses, which are hallmarks of his design. The lightweight construction significantly improves the playing experience, making it a very enjoyable instrument to play. Additionally, the guitar responds quickly to right-hand attacks, facilitating a playing style that requires minimal effort yet yields maximum expressiveness. This responsiveness makes the guitar exceptionally easy to handle, allowing musicians to play with great dynamism and ease without expending excessive energy. Overall, this instrument stands out as a one of the best modern concert guitar, blending superb playability with rich, resonant sound.

Luthier: Dieter Müller
Construction year: 2024
Top: Cedar
Back and sides: Wenge
Scale: 650 mm
Nut: 51 mm
Weight: 1450 grams
Air body frequency: D
Tuners: Scheller
Strings: Knobloch EDC 34.0
Case: Crossrock White
Condition: New

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Wood Top

Construction year

Du hast Fragen oder möchtest mehr Informationen? Deine Ansprechpartner für diese Gitarre stehen telefonisch oder via Kontaktformular für Dich zur Vefügung!

Denis Pécaut, Manuel Luchena, Jonathan Singgih Pranoto
+49 721 38143275

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