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Giuseppe Corasaniti – 2024 REG 2024 Limited Edition

6,473 $

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Giuseppe Corasaniti is a skilled Italian luthier born in 1989 in Catanzaro. His passion for music was sparked early on, leading him to study classical guitar. Driven by a curiosity for manual arts and woodworking, Giuseppe pursued lutherie. In 2009, he enrolled at the Civica Scuola di Liuteria in Milan, graduating in 2014. His comprehensive training covered instrument making, restoration, organology, acoustic physics, chemistry, and various techniques for documenting and restoring instruments. He also continued to hone his instrumental and musical skills. Inspired by the great masters of the classical guitar, he deepened his understanding of construction techniques. After his studies, Giuseppe returned to Calabria and established his workshop in Davoli, a quaint village nestled between mountains and the sea. Here, in this idyllic setting, he began his craft of creating guitars, integrating traditional techniques with his own innovative approaches.

Giuseppe Corasaniti’s REG Limited Edition 2024 guitar exemplifies superior craftsmanship, constructed from meticulously selected woods, each aged for over ten years. The instrument features a Val di Fiemme Italian spruce soundboard, chosen for its optimal density to enhance mobility and sound projection. The back and sides are crafted from Indian rosewood, while the neck is made of Spanish cedar, ensuring robustness and tonal clarity. High-quality African ebony is used for the fingerboard, and snakewood for the bindings, complementing the guitar’s exquisite aesthetic. It is equipped with precise and high-performing Alessi tuners, reinforcing its professional quality and ease of use.

The construction of this guitar is heavily influenced by French luthiery techniques, particularly those of luthier Dominique Field. The soundboard incorporates seven fan braces and a bridge plate for stability, while the sides are reinforced with small braces to maintain the integrity of the structure. The back of the guitar features both vertical and horizontal braces, optimizing the balance of various thicknesses to create a reflective surface that enhances the soundboard’s energy. This meticulous attention to structural detail ensures a dynamic and balanced acoustic output across all registers. The guitar offers a spectrum of sonic nuances, with trebles that are round, clear, and full, and basses that are deep and defined. Giuseppe Corasaniti’s focus on refined manufacturing for the neck and fretboard maximizes player comfort, while the shellac finish, applied using traditional French polishing techniques, not only enhances the natural beauty of the wood but also preserves its flexibility, making this guitar not only a marvel in sound but also a triumph in luthiery art.

Luthier: Giuseppe Corasaniti
Construction year: 2024
Top: Spruce
Back and sides: Indian rosewood
Scale: 650 mm
Nut: 52 mm
Weight: 1580 grams
Air body frequency: G#
Tuners: Alessi
Strings: Knobloch EDC 34.0
Case: Hiscox Pro II “Siccas Guitars” Edition
Condition: New

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Wood Top

Construction year

Du hast Fragen oder möchtest mehr Informationen? Deine Ansprechpartner für diese Gitarre stehen telefonisch oder via Kontaktformular für Dich zur Vefügung!

Denis Pécaut, Manuel Luchena, Jonathan Singgih Pranoto
+49 721 38143275

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