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Esteve – Model 12 Cedar ON HOLD

2,261 $

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In 1957, Francisco Esteve, Manuel Adalid, and Antonio Monfort founded their own guitar workshop, initiating their venture into instrument crafting. This tradition is continued today by Manuel Adalid Jr., who is dedicated to promoting the ESTEVE brand globally. His approach includes integrating innovative designs and techniques, adapting construction processes to meet international market demands, while preserving the essence of their artisanal tradition. ESTEVE is supported by a team of 52 skilled artisans who share a deep passion for guitar making and boast extensive experience. The company takes pride in each instrument produced, which are celebrated worldwide for their superb sound quality and finish. ESTEVE guitars expertly blend high-quality materials with a harmonious fusion of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary construction methods. Representing the resonance of the Spanish soul, ESTEVE guitars enchant musicians with their sonorous quality, playability, and pure sound, embodying the venerable art of luthiery in each creation.

This professional guitar crafted by Manuel Adalid is celebrated for its high-quality sound that boasts rich coloration, long sustain, and exceptional tonal beauty. It embodies the essence of the Spanish guitar tradition with its bright and lively trebles and distinctively crunchy basses, delivering a vibrant and resonant sound that appeals to both traditionalists and contemporary players. Offering the exemplary craftsmanship associated with Adalid, this guitar provides outstanding value, making professional-grade quality accessible at a price that is hard to match for an instrument of this caliber. It is an excellent choice for serious musicians seeking a reliable, beautifully sounding guitar that captures the quintessential characteristics of Spanish musical artistry. The guitar comes with a Hiscox Pro II “Siccas Edition”, which is an attractive offer at this price class.

Luthier: Francisco Esteve
Construction year: 2024
Top: Cedar
Back and sides: Indian rosewood
Scale: 650 mm
Nut: 50,5 mm
Weight: 1910 grams
Air body frequency: G
Tuners: Ring Well
Strings: Savarez
Case: Hiscox Pro II “Siccas Edition”
Condition: New

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Wood Top

Construction year

Du hast Fragen oder möchtest mehr Informationen? Deine Ansprechpartner für diese Gitarre stehen telefonisch oder via Kontaktformular für Dich zur Vefügung!

Denis Pécaut, Manuel Luchena, Jonathan Singgih Pranoto
+49 721 38143275

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